Océane Philippe AKA ROCOCOCEANE is a Parisian designer whose style is inspired by rococo tapestries, kitsch collectibles, Lolita fashion and glamorous princess garments. Her designs purposely skate in between the lines of excessive garnish, sweet & girly modes, contemporary fashion, and the tastes of an enchanting dream. There is so much to admire within all her work’s Parisian charm, pastel colors, and unique clothing constructions.
Who are you? I’m Océane, a 19 year old fashion lover and designer. I've been living in the Parisian suburbs my whole life and I’m currently studying Fashion Design at Duperré College in Paris.
How would you describe your style? What originally influenced you and inspires you today?
I don’t really have any rules for my style so I don’t really know how to describe it actually. haha! I guess I could say it’s a mix of rococo, kitsch and it’s kind of over the top sometimes. When I was a child, I loved princesses, pink, and puffy dresses. I think that love never faded away. In fact, when I was in middle school, I started to develop that girly style as I got into sweet Lolita fashion. I wore crinolines, petticoats and big bows on my head every day. It was the beginning of my love for wearing rococo-inspired outfits. However, I got bored of Lolita fashion. It was always the same shapes, the same proportions, and there were so many “rules." I wanted something more, new, and fresh! From there I started experimenting with my style: introducing vintage pieces, as well as playing with the limits of bad taste.

Would you say you balance modernity and the more traditional artistic style that you call "rococo"?
I think what I like the most about rococo is the word itself (I find it so funny haha) and what it represents: ornaments, over the top, frills, sweet colours and sometimes even bad taste.
However, I cannot summarize my style only with that term. I like to mix the dreamy princess-ish vibes with other influences to make my outfit unique. I like to have fun with fashion by mixing up various eras and periods and by transforming random everyday objects into garments and accessories. Doing so adds a touch of humour and a contemporary aspect to my style. That is what innovation means to me.
How do you feel when you dress up? What is your thought process/ritual?
Dressing up is really a way to express myself. As an introvert, I prefer to speak through my fashion. That’s why style is very important to me. It’s like telling new stories everyday. Actually, dressing up is what motivates me in the morning. Just knowing I can put up an outfit and reinvent myself helps me to go through the day. My outfit also really affects my mood so I always try to be happy with it to be sure I’ll be walking confidently through the streets.
I don’t think I have any rituals. I think I just pick a piece that inspires me that day (it’s often a headwear actually) and I try to put an outfit that would go with it.

How do you depict femininity in your design? Why incorporate youthful feminine elements like dolls and baby angels etc?
The thing is that I think I’m very influenced by what I liked as a kid. At home, I was always surrounded by kitsch objects, dolls, figures, plushies, and all this “girly” stuff that my mother and my older sister liked to collect and display. I grew up with this taste for accumulation and collection. Unconsciously, I incorporated that into my it’s some kind of living museum or a teenage girl's messy room. I really like the idea of the transition from girlhood to womanhood. I like to incorporate the girliness, and the kitsch that people often don't have the courage to wear even if they liked it.
Is there room for masculinity in your designs?
I’d love to see men wear my designs one day actually! It's not what you would expect a man to wear and I love that contrast.

What is Paris like for a creative? What are your favorite things about Paris?
It’s quite a great place actually! There’s always so many exhibitions and shows to see, places to go... I love hanging out in Montmartre or other arrondissement and just being surrounded by the beautiful architecture, browsing cute shops, taking pictures... but I think what I like the most is thrifting haha! I spend a lot of time searching for the perfect piece in the 1 euro section.
How do people receive your style?
It actually really depends on the place and the day. People can be super nice or super mean or creepy. Many people ask me if I’m going to a carnival or a bachelorette party. They’re always so surprised when I tell them these are actually my daily garments!
It can be fun, but also very bothering when people take pictures of me in the subway as if I was some kind of animal. Regardless, I’m happy to bring some colours to the Parisian streets. I also get a lot of compliments!

What were you in your previous life?
Definitely a rococo tapestry.
What is next for your fashion designs? Where do you see them going? I really want to start making clothes and selling them on my Etsy shop BelleLuretteShop. That’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but it’s takes so much time and organization. Also, I really want to be proud of it so I’m still working on it. Furthermore, I’m also really looking forward to my graduation collection. I don’t know exactly what I’ll be working on yet, but I’m already excited to see the result!